Monday, July 17, 2006

Two posts from me in one day? You lucky bastards! <_<

Anyway...I was browsing a few of the message boards I went to when I came across a Red Hot Chili Peppers board I signed up on way back when their latest album came out and hadn't really gone back much since. I was browsing through it, reading a few topics, finding a few RHCP related things to download, and found out that they had released a video for their second single, "Tell Me Baby." So of course as soon as I heard this, I rushed off to find it, and could only find a relatively bad copy (i.e it looked like it was taken straight from an old VCR). Now with the post backstory out of the way, here's the meat. I'll FINALLY be seeing them live on August 22nd, and one of the rules i've given myself is that I don't listen to any of the music from the band i'm going to see when I buy the tickets. I had forgotten about that rule for the most part, and listened to their new album last week sometime...but I think this past week is when I remembered it, and since then i've been depriving myself of their music and such, but I broke that rule tonight watching their video. Now, i'm not upset at myself for breaking the rule or anything, but since I watched the video, it reminded me of how much I absolutely love the album, and now I find myself desperately wanting to listen to their music again...but i've already broken the rule once, and I don't wanna do it again. It's just so damned hard! I want to listen to RHCP so badly...stupid rule!


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