So here I am, in Arizona for the first time. Well, not really the first time, if you count layovers in the airport. But yeah, i'm here. I left around noon, and got here a little after 6PM California time. The drive actually wasn't that bad at all. I had enough stuff on my iPod to keep myself entertained, so it seemed to go a lot faster than I thought it would. After I got my stuff brought into webhead's place, we left to pick up Gambit. After picking him up, the three of us headed off to the mall to bug DC while he was still working. We stuck around Gamestop for about 20 minutes or so before heading off to McDonalds to wait for him to get off of work at 10. After he got off work, we went over to Denny's and met Xylus, and we all had a good meal and just laughed our asses off. Right now i'm typing this out, and Gambit, DC, and web are playing XBox360, and as soon as they play something other than Perfect Dark Zero, i'm in. I originally planned to post more, but I can't really think of what else to write about. Ja ne.
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