Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I don't really know why, but lately i've really been missing Nicole. Not that it's weird to miss her, but for a while I didn't, and it just suddenly popped up again. As much as I realize it wouldn't work out between us if for some reason the opportunity to get back together were to pop up, there's still a part of me that wants it to. Her and I got along really well while we were together, but I just know she doesn't feel the same way about me that I did about her. It's really confusing, and also saddening...I haven't cried or anything over it yet, but i've felt myself on the verge a few times.

On a somewhat lighter note, i'm once again considering moving out to Arizona. I talked to my manager about it today, and it looks like the earliest it can possibly happen is next year, what with our peak season coming up pretty soon...which is fine. Gives me more time to work out a living situation, and to save money, and all that good stuff that'll definitely help me out in the long run. Speaking of work, this week so far has been a LOT better than last week, now that both of the shuttle drivers are back. The only bad thing is there's no telling how much longer the one will be staying as a shuttle driver. Hopefully they'll get someone to replace him before they move him to his new courier position, but I dunno..the way things are at our station I don't see it happening.

Not much else to update on, although... this is kinda cool. Made it myself in Halo 3. :D

Now playing: Dethklok - The Lost Vikings
via FoxyTunes


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